
On the 17th of December 2016, Zenovia Laliouti presented a part of the ongoing research of the XENO@GR project at the Second Annual Conference of the Cyprus Association of Political Science (Cyprus University of Technology, 16-17 December 2016). Title: “Crisis and Xenophobia in Greece: historical aspects and current trends“.


On the 16th of December 2016, Anastasia Kaffe presented a part of the ongoing research of the XENO@GR project at the Second Annual Conference of the Cyprus Association of Political Science (Cyprus University of Technology, 16-17 December 2016). Title: “The evolution of xenophobia in Greece. Targets, actors and events since the 1990s“.


On the 30th of November 2016, Konstantina Papanikolaou and Ioannis Galariotis presented a part of the ongoing research of the XENO@GR project at the 3rd Computational Social Science Winter Symposium 2016. Title: “Xenophobia in Greece: A Computational Social Science Approach”.


On the 3rd of November 2016, Maria Pontiki presented a part of the ongoing research of the XENO@GR project at the Xerox Research Center Europe (Grenoble, France). Title: “Redefining Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis: the ABSA challenge experience“.


On the 6th of October 2016, Vasiliki Georgiadou, Anastasia Kaffe and Zenovia Laliouti presented a part of the ongoing research of the XENO@GR project at the “European Identity and Refugees Integration” Conference of Network for Employment and Social Care, 5-7 October 2016, Athens. Title: “Exploring xenophobic attitudes in the Greek Public Sphere”.

15/6/2016 – 18/6/2016

On the 15-18th of June 2016, Ioannis Galariotis presented a part of the ongoing research of the XENO@GR project at the 8th Pan-European Conference on the European Union-“The Union’s Institutional and Constitutional Transformations: Stress or Adaptation?”, Trento. Title: “Tracing the External Perceptions of the EU as a Global Security Actor: An Automatic Content Analysis Approach“.


On the 16th of June 2016, Maria Pontiki presented a part of the ongoing research of the XENO@GR project at the International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2016), San Diego, California. Title: “SemEval-2016 Task 5: Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis“.

26/5/2016 – 27/5/2016

On the 26th-27th of May 2016, Vasiliki Georgiadou and Anastasia Kaffe presented a part of the ongoing research of the XENO@GR project at the 4th Annual General Conference of the Greek Elections Public Opinion and Parties Group, Athens. Title:”Gaining ground, losing ground: The changing electoral trend of the far right“.


On the 25th of May 2016, Maria Pontiki presented a part of the ongoing research of the XENO@GR project at the European University Institute (EUI) Workshop on CSS Approaches: “Computational Social Science (CSS): New Frontiers of Collaboration?”, Villa la Fonte, Florence, Italy. Title: “Sentiment analysis approaches for the explanation of the social world”.


On the 25th of May 2016, Haris Papageorgiou presented a part of the ongoing research of the XENO@GR project at the European University Institute (EUI) Workshop on CSS Approaches: “Computational Social Science (CSS): New Frontiers of Collaboration?”, Villa la Fonte, Florence, Italy. Title: “Introduction to computational social sciences: Available methods and tools for social scientists”.